World Vision Zambia’s Response to the Floods in Central, Southern & Western Provinces

Zambia has been experiencing extreme weather conditions with increased frequency and intensity exacerbated by climate change for many years. However, in January 2023 the flooding in some parts of the country has been reported to be the worst in over 50 years by the Zambia Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU). Current statistics show that over 32,621 households (195,726 people) from 34 districts have been affected by the floods, with the worst impact in Southern and Eastern Provinces. The floods have already resulted in five deaths and led to significant displacement of both people and animals, damage to crops as well as critical infrastructure. This has greatly impacted people’s livelihoods, exposing the population to high-risk of waterborne diseases, especially cholera which has been reported in some parts of the country.
World Vision Zambia’s response so far:
• World Vision Zambia is working closely with DMMU and other key stakeholders in responding to the immediate needs of the affected populations.
• The flood response will target the most impacted districts in Southern (Mazabuka, Monze, Choma, Sinazongwe and Namwala) and in Central (Luano, Chisamba, Mumbwa, Shbuyunji) Eastern (Mambwe, Lusangazi and Chama).
• Our response is focusing on providing shelter, food, water, sanitation and protection, especially to women and children.
• We have also sent medical supplies and chlorine for water purification to Vubwi, Eastern Province where cholera has been reported.
• Key emergency items that are required for the response include food items i.e mealie meal, beans, kapenta, salt, sugar, etc., blankets and clothes, bathing soap, washing detergents, disinfectants, Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Nets, Chlorine and water treatment tablets.
• Other items include Hygiene kits (Menstrual Hygiene Management kits) for adolescent and young adult women and non-food Items such as emergency lights, cooking utensils, etc.
Partner with us and make a donation
Or make a deposit at:
Bank name: Absa Bank Zambia Plc
Account number: 1890707
Account name: Local Fundraising Account
Branch name: Lusaka Business Centre
Sort code: 020016
Reference: Flood response
Account number: 1890707
Account name: Local Fundraising Account
Branch name: Lusaka Business Centre
Sort code: 020016
Reference: Flood response
For more information, please contact:
• Bernard Zgambo World Vision Zambia Humanitarian Emergency Affairs Director
• Jason Befus, World Vision Zambia Resource Acquisition Director
• Sally Namutowe, World Vision Zambia Fundraising Director
• John Hasse, World Vision Zambia National Director