Our Vision Statement
Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness.
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.
We look forward to a world where every child experiences Jesus’ promise of life in all its fullness.
Where they are protected, cared for and given the opportunities to become all God meant them to be.
Where they grow strong in communities free of need and full of promise. Where families are valued, creation preserved and the most vulnerable live in security and confidence.
Where they become responsible citizens of well-led nations. Where peace and justice reign and all have the right to contribute.
Where they flourish in a world where the treasure of our hearts and the measure of our wealth is the happiness and well-being of all children.
In such a world, we all taste the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Our Mission Statement
World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.
We pursue this mission through an integrated and holistic commitment to:
Transformational Development that is community-based and sustainable, focused especially on the needs of children.
Emergency Relief that assists people afflicted by conflict or disaster.
Promotion of Justice that seeks to change unjust structures affecting the poor among whom we work.
Partnerships with churches to contribute to spiritual and social transformation.
Public Awareness that leads to informed understanding, giving, involvement and prayer.
Witness to Jesus Christ by life, deed, word, and sign that encourages people to respond to the Gospel.

Christ helped all those he could and sacrificed everything: we would not be honoring him if we didn't help all people, regardless of faith.
In this broken world, we are striving to bring justice, peace, reconciliation, and healing through our service to the poorest of the poor. We are called to bring an end to their suffering and partner with them in transforming lives.

Every person on this earth has been specially created by God. No amount of money or power is more valuable than a human life.
The international World Vision Partnership strives to work above and beyond the traditional boundaries of structure and culture.
World Vision has over 70 years of experience working with communities, donors, partners, and governments to create opportunities for better futures for vulnerable children, even in the toughest places.